
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Light Guidance

The shores of Cascais are one of the most beautiful in the area. Laden with century old royal residences, culturally rich cafés, and mesmerizing ocean waters, Cascais is a cultural treasure waiting to be discovered by the most well traveled stranger. Exploring the area, now with a more appreciative perspective on life, I came across a world that is not so far removed from its people, but that remains distant enough, both in historical content and captivating beauty, that it begins to cross the boundaries of the real.

Here are a few pictures, not just of Cascais, but also of my process of discovery. Allowing myself to feel guided to turn left or right, with a hint of decision making here and there was extremely eye opening to the beautiful detail that I long to experience, especially when returning home after so long.

 Street as you come off the Paredão

"Queen's Beach"

Too quick for me to get its head

Famous "Rua Direita" where there are a variety of shops and cafés. Pedestrians only.

 "I bet it is going to fly away"
 "please stay..."
"This is my good side. Take all the pictures you want..."

"These tourists get more annoying each year that goes by"

 Fishermen cages. I was so interested in these that I didn't realize that

 this royal residence was stunning. It is found by the "Fishermen's Beach" in Cascais.


 Mermaid looking at the moon

"Hey Fred?"
"Is today Tuesday or Wednesday?"
"Who cares... Let's just chill"


 Swimming with the fish

Looking back to see how much I had walked.

 couldn't actually get on those rocks...with the camera...

This picture is titled "Where is Waldo?"

to the Lighthouse of Santa Marta and it's Museum/House

The perfect location to enjoy this view is from this esplanada

where I had my first legal alcoholic beverage. Sagres is one of, I believe, only two Portuguese Beers.
I am a few days short of becoming 21. Since the legal drinking age in Portugal is 18, this is my opportunity to bend the boundaries of governmental imposition, thus proving that we are the same exact person a few days before our birthday as we are the day of.
(Swimming across the ocean for early access to Sagres was totally worth the trip!)

Then I got inspired to write in my most beautiful journal, which was a gift especially for this trip.
I also splurged on a nice cup of strawberries with whip cream! (advice: finish the beer first, the two don't get along in them taste buds)

Here is where I finally decided "yes this is a writer's paradise." I hope that these pictures can reflect the calm atmosphere of this hidden gem of a place.

While resting, I was finally able to convince myself of the necessity of a break. I had been on the go for 8 years. Constant change and adaptation led me to great personal growth, however I had become very nostalgic. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmers I was able to take a self-fulfilling journey that was so needed. I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity to search beyond, plunging confidently, into my own culture and nation's rich historic treasures.

While pursuing the setting sun, I arrived at a different Light source. One that can not only guide you, but whose main purpose is safeguarding.

Let's move forward, always remembering, in times when darkness draws near, that Light instills hope upon the soul.