I just wanted to let you know that my trip to Sevilla was beyond what my dreams could have had imagined. I found beauty beyond compare, happiness, and love surrounded me. I thank you for all the prayers and I cannot wait to share some of the pictures I took. They aren´t many and I will probably write more to describe my journey. If one day you get a chance to visit sevilla please do. Also keep your heart open to all posibilities. Life´s happenings are strangely not coincidences and all happens for good. I am thinking of you and wish you the best. Don´t want to waste my uncle´s internet anymore. Until soon...
~Horizon Traveler
Now here are the pictures of Sevilla that I have. I want to let you know that I was so amazed by the city that I was to mesmerized to be taking pictures. Looking for light, angles, and stories was extremely tiring because the city is just booming with life.
In my hostel's common room I met Conchita. She is a medicine student from Mexico and was travelling in Europe. We were both travelling alone and decided to explore the city together. We had an incredible weekend together and I even got the opportunity to practice my spanish.
In my hostel's common room I met Conchita. She is a medicine student from Mexico and was travelling in Europe. We were both travelling alone and decided to explore the city together. We had an incredible weekend together and I even got the opportunity to practice my spanish.

The Catedral is simply incredible and is in no way out of place in the city of Sevilla. Below is a picture of a copy of the Giralda. The original sits on the tower next to the Catedral that has that same name.
Real Alcazar - a beautiful royal get away palace and its gardens
Street performer. These people that I have met on the streets are incredible artists and musicians.
At a flamenco bar that we found. Incredible show.
Conchita and her best friend "El Libro" that had maps, explanations, and advice on what to visit and how to do it.
Hospital de la Caridad
Plaza de Toros
Guadalquivir River
Eating bull's tail
Inside the majestic Cathedral
View from the Giralda